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21.05.2024 - The organising committee of Swiss O Week 2023 was presented with an "orienteering tree" at this year’s delegates' assembly of Swiss Orienteering in Fribourg as a gesture of thanks for the smooth organisation of the Swiss O Week in July 2023.

The orienteering trees are not awards for the best of "something", but they signify rather a symbol for Swiss Orienteering expressing a thank you for contributing with their event to the sport of orienteering.

After the orienteering tree was formally awarded at the 2024 delegates' meeting, a larch tree was planted on 21 May in Laax in the competition area of stage 6. Representatives from Swiss Orienteering, the local communities, the forestry service, the game warden service and the organising committee of SOW 2023 were present at the planting ceremony.

Coverage in the newspaper  "La Quotidiana"

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